Essex Shooting Syndicates

Is leasing your land right for you? Would you like an annual income? All year-round crop protection
added security around the land. Essex shooting syndicates can offer you not just this but much more.
Annual income, ESS lease land from multiple farms around the UK, with acreage and location varying
the price, we review every enquiry independently with no set guidelines. A member of the team can
be out to view land in as little as two weeks’ notice. From there we can come to an agreement on,
quarry, times, duration, and rules. ESS works closely with landowners to create a plan that best suits them and their business.
Crop protection, Experienced vetted guns take much care in keeping the pests at bay. It could be
anything from pest bird indulging on fresh drilling or Fox snatching livestock, ESS can supply the
protection you need. Our members consist of SGC, FAC, DSC 1 and 2, men, woman, and ex armed
services backgrounds. We enforce strict UK seasonal shooting; nothing goes to waste!
In the west midlands, Essex shooting syndicates are working closely with Warwickshire Police to
catch poachers & fly tippers, with one successful arrest already made using trail cam footage.
Although we are a shooting syndicate, we take great pleasure in being the eyes and ears of the land.
With the pandemic of corona virus, UK countryside has seen a massive increase in trespassing,
unlawful off-road motorcycles and much more criminality.
If you would like to know more about leasing your land, please complete the enquiry form and a
member of the team will be in contact.